How To Get Involved?

There are so many ways you can be involved with bringing lasting change to Haiti through Danita’s Children.

Hope Starts With You

Thank you for partnering with us to rescue, love, and care for the orphaned and impoverished children of Haiti. Your gift is the hand of Jesus extended to the hurting, neglected, rejected, and needy. Hope is who we are. Hope is what we do. Thank you for changing Haiti one child at a time! Donate now.


Send a Check

Make a check out to: Danita’s Children 

Mail To:

P.O. Box 280750

Nashville, TN 37228

***86% of our annual budget goes towards providing direct care for the poor and the hurting in Haiti.

Donate Appreciated Assets

Donating appreciating assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate to Danita’s Children can be a simple way to save taxes while wisely investing into a Kingdom-building cause.

Click Here To Learn More

Sponsor A Child

Your donation of $35 each month provides children in need with nutritious food, clean water, a Christ-centered education, and life-saving medical care. Most of all, you will be sharing love and hope with your sponsored child. Through sponsorship, you have the opportunity to invest in the life of a future leader of Haiti.

Sponsor a Child Learn More

Child Champion

Become a Child Champion for Danita’s Children! We are blessed to have among our supporters some amazing children and adults, who make extraordinary efforts to raise funds or do special things for our children in Haiti. Contact us for more information on how to become a Child Champion!

Contact Us

Bequests and Legacy Gifts

We are humbled that you are interested in leaving a legacy through Danita’s Children! Through your legacy giving, Danita’s Children will continue to rescue, love and care for orphaned and impoverished children in Haiti through generations to come.

Click Here To Learn More

Share Our Posts

We love keeping you up to date with the story God is writing in Haiti. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube – share our posts with your friends and family, tag us in yours, or say hi and leave us a note!

Facebook Fundraise

You can make a difference in Haiti by creating your own fundraiser through our ministry page on Facebook.

1) Log in to Facebook and go to:

2) "Danita's Children" will automatically be set as your charity of choice.
3) Fill in the details and start fundraising!

4) Share with friends and raise money together. 

Contact Us

Event Sponsor

You can also make a difference in Haiti by hosting a sponsorship event through your church, work or school! Donate for your birthday, raise funds for one of our programs through a bake sale, car wash, etc. We welcome your creativity!

To host a Sponsorship Event, please fill out the form by click on the link below:


Church Support

Church support provides reliable, sustainable funding for Kingdom work and outreach. Partner with Danita’s Children to answer the call of Proverbs 31:8-9 to “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves… defending the rights of the poor and needy.”

Volunteer Stateside

If you live in the Nashville area, and would like to volunteer at our stateside office, please contact us by clicking on the link below:

Volunteer Inquiry

Pray For Us

Please send us your prayers or prayer requests by click on the link below:

Send Prayer
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