Higher Education

Scholarship Program

As our students graduate from the Danita's Children secondary school, the Higher Education Scholarship Program exists to equip each graduate for the life work God has uniquely created them to do.

Scholarship Awards

Our Higher Education Scholarship program prepares our graduates for their future. Students are awarded scholarships to attend 2-year community college, 4-year university, or vocational school, in accordance with their academic skills, career goals, gifts, and callings. 

Work/Study Opportunity

Students also contribute to funding their education through part-time work study, thereby building personal responsibility and ownership of their journey.

To prepare college-bound students for their Higher Education experience, students receive advanced training in English and/or French language proficiency, computer skills, character development, leadership, and spiritual formation. While they are in college, they continue to receive support from our Higher Education program staff in career guidance, class selection, mentorship, and spiritual support.

Families and churches have a unique opportunity to invest in our children’s lives by:

  • Providing a partial or full scholarship to a college or vocational student
  • Providing host homes to a student studying in the U.S.
  • Praying for our students as they step out to discover and pursue their callings

Danita’s Children currently has 20 students attending vocational school or college. These students are studying to become entrepreneurs, medical professionals, pastors, government leaders, legal professionals, farmers, and more. They are our first fruits of realizing the vision to raise up generations of leaders who will transform the nation of Haiti.

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